Clean Car Programme

The Clean Car programme consists of rebates and fees for new and used eligible vehicles the first time they are registered in New Zealand, based on CO2 emissions.

From 1 July 2023 the NZ Govt. Clean Car programme will change. These changes are to ensure fees generate enough revenue to fund the scheme’s rebates and administration costs.

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How to Apply

If you wish to apply for a rebate, you must complete the online application form on the NZTA site, including reading and agreeing to the terms and conditions, which can be found here.

In completing the application you will be required to provide the following supporting documentation:

  • a copy of the vehicle offer and sale agreement (or such alternative documentation as Waka Kotahi deems necessary in the circumstances);
  • proof of the registered person's bank account;
  • GST number if the vehicle is being used for business purposes.

Rebates Available

The rebate available to you will depend on the type of vehicle you have purchased and the time at which the vehicle is registered.

The following are the indicative rebates:

For vehicles purchased from 1 July 2023

From 1 July 2023 New vehicle
Battery electric vehicle $7,015
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle $4,025

Please read

Note that Rebate applications for vehicles registered between 1 July 2021 and 31 March 2022 that meet the eligibility criteria will only be accepted until 31 May 2024 (if funding permits).

Vehicle carbon emissions New vehicle
0 (zero emissions) $7,015
1 to 56 $5,750
57 to 146 $8,625 less (emissions X $50 X 130/145)

All figures are inclusive of GST and the final amount of rebate paid will include GST.


The NZ Govt. Clean Car Programme will also see vehicles which emit higher rates of CO2 subject to fees.

The person who registers, for the first time, any new or used vehicle with carbon dioxide emissions of 192 grams or more per kilometre must pay the fee calculated pursuant to the formula set out under regulation 7 of the Land Transport (Clean Vehicle Discount Programme Charges) Regulations 2022.

Please note:

  • The above figures for rebates and fees are indicative only.
  • Where we have indicated the dollar value of a rebate or fee for a vehicle elsewhere on our website or in our marketing materials, that figure is indicative only.
  • If rebate funds are exhausted at any given time, no rebate will be paid. Once the Programme restarts, only vehicles registered from the restart date that meet the eligibility requirements will qualify for a rebate.
  • While we do our best to make sure that information available on this page is accurate and free from errors, we do not guarantee its accuracy.
  • The NZ Govt. Clean Car Programme is not administered by the Giltrap Group. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage which may result either directly or indirectly from reliance by you upon the accuracy or currency of information contained on this page or any information published by any third party (such as Waka Kotahi) about the Clean Car Programme.
  • This page contain links to other websites (“Linked Websites”). As the content and maintenance of Linked Websites is out of our control, please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those websites. Links on this page to Linked Sites do not necessarily endorse those Linked Sites.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the NZ Govt. Clean Car Programme/Discount?

The NZ Govt. Clean Car Programme encourages the purchase of zero and low emission light vehicles by reducing the cost of eligible new and used vehicles coming into New Zealand and putting a fee on high emission vehicles from 1 April 2022.

From 1 July 2021 to 31 March 2022 a rebate is available for eligible electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in electric vehicles (PHEV) registered in New Zealand for the first time.

For vehicles first registered in New Zealand from 1 April 2022, fees and rebates will be applied according to the CO2 emission of vehicles. The higher the CO2 emission value the greater the fee in recognition of the increased environmental and economic costs they are imposing. The lower the CO2 emission value the greater the rebate.

Are there two different programmes?

Yes. The initial NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount and now a revised NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount Programme.

The NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount applied for vehicles first registered between 1st July 2021 – 31 March 2022 and offered a rebate payable for light electric vehicles if specific criteria were met.

The new NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount Programme consists of rebates and fees for new and used eligible vehicles the first time they’re registered in New Zealand, based on CO2 emissions.

Why has the NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount been introduced?

The Government is accelerating the response to climate change to achieve a carbon neutral target for New Zealand by 2050. The NZ Govt. Clean Car Discount aims to help bring down transport emissions by making the purchase of zero and low-CO2 emission vehicles more affordable.

What does this mean for my car purchase?

From 1 April 2022, the NZ Govt. Clean Car Programme will consist of rebates and fees for new and used eligible vehicles the first time they are registered in New Zealand, based on CO2 emissions.

The higher the CO2 emissions, the greater the fee in recognition of the increased environmental and economic costs they are imposing.

Buyers choosing zero or low-emission vehicles may be eligible for a rebate. The lower the emissions the greater the rebate. Vehicles with moderate emissions will not incur a fee or be eligible for a rebate.